Bondage is erotic bondage that can often be considered an art. It is an easy practice and anyone can try it. You can start with simple considerations, but you can gradually learn to bind your partner like a master. Ideas of various bondage and subjugation are quite normal and can make sex great.

Where bondage originated

Modern bondage originated in Asian countries such as China, Mongolia, Japan and Korea. It may surprise you, but it was originally an element used in martial arts, where an opponent was caught and immobilized by being tied up. Sometimes bondage was also used for various therapeutic purposes – using acupressure points and applying consistent pressure to specific areas using special knots. In Japan, over time, the martial bongade became an artistic bondage, called Nawa Shibiri.

This Japanese version of bondage is literally a revered craft with a 500-year tradition. Masters of “Nawakesho” are recognized in their culture almost as martial arts pros. The undertone is also erotic, as evidenced by three basic considerations:

  • Shinju: binding the breasts and upper body
  • Sukarabo: crotch and lower body binding
  • Karada: full body binding

What to use for bondage

The most important thing is always to think about safety and comfort. Whether you tie your partner completely or only partially, you must not cause skin abrasions, rope burns or bruises, and certainly not blood on the tied areas. Forget a trip to the hobby marker and buy bondage equipment designed specifically for bondage. These can include:

  • silk scarf
  • soft rope
  • special handcuffs
  • bondage tape

How to tie correctly

It takes a bit of practice to make a harness that is tight but comfortable at the same time. It must not be too tight and painful, the knots must not press. Of course, it is always an individual thing, as everyone perceives comfort differently. It is also possible to tie in either a simple or even artistic style. If you are starting out, focus on easy knots that can be quickly loosened if necessary. For example, try it with a partner before the event to see what you can do. You can tie the hands or feet, or tie the other person to the bed, for example. Above all, enjoy it, treat it as a sensual game and learn gradually.
